
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

some college top rated Projects

Based on electromagnetic-field radiation
Place it under the pillow - Built-in timer
Detects the amount of salt contained in liquid foods
Three-level LED indicator
Particularly suitable for cellulitis treatment
3V battery supply, portable set
Agreeable, relaxing effect, helping to fall asleep
Small portable unit, 3V battery powered
Improved version of the popular circuit
Increased output voltage - More complex output wave forms
Current flows through clips placed on the earlobes
Output current adjustable from 80 to 600 microAmperes
Six timing positions suited to different skin types
Timing affected by sunlight intensity
Can be fitted into a packet of cigarettes
Also suitable as Fuzz-box
Stand-alone, 9V battery powered unit
Three-level input selector, three-band tone control
All-FET version of the celebrated valve guitar preamp
Can be easily modified to Marshall Tone Controls specs
All-FET design
Valve-like distortion behavior
300Hz, 1KHz, 3KHz "output stable" test equipment tool
9V battery powered portable unit
10W Old-Style ultra-compact Combo
Two inputs - Overdrive Treble-enhancement
Bass, Treble, Harmonic modifier and Brightness controls
Output power: 40W into 8 Ohm and 60W into 4 Ohm loads
Dot-mode three-LED display
9V battery powered portable unit
Four shape-controls portable unit
Wide variety of output waveforms
Precision Frequency generator 1 to 999 Hz
Precision Metronome 1 to 999 beats per minute
Linear scale Small size
40 to 208 beats per minute
Three Lamp-Channels Output
Built-in Electret Microphone
Low-cut and Bass controls
Output power: 40W into 8 Ohm and 60W into 4 Ohm loads

Saturday, January 10, 2009

College Projects - Computer Science Projects - Part 2

Thesis in Computer Science

Economics Management of Engineering Projects

Digital Design II with Laboratory Projects

Slot Machine using VHDL

Logic Synthesis Using FPGAs Projects

Two Dimensional Ping-Pong with VGA interface

Software Engineering Projects

Internet Computer Superstore (

Senior Projects

Robotics Project

College Projects - Computer science projects

Independent Study in Computer Science

Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

Java Programming

  • Connect Four (Client/Server game in java using RMI)

  • Twenty One Points Game

  • Operating Systems

    Parametric Optimization of Some Critical Operating System Functions

    Advanced Problems in Computer Science

    Latest College Projects and University Projects - 2008

    1. PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control
    2. Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another)
    3. Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video)
    4. Air Drums (MP4 video), (MOV video) (youtube)
    5. Recorder Hero (MP4 video)
    6. Dueling Banjos (MP4 video)
    7. Intelligent wireless pedometer
    8. Networked Biometric Authentication
    9. Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1, video2)
    10. Virtual Keyboard
    11. 3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)
    12. BordFree videogame (MP4 video)
    13. Haptic glove (MP4 video1, video2)
    14. High Speed Photography Controller
    15. 3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video)
    16. 3D Video Game Control (MP4 video)
    17. Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video)
    18. Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video)
    19. Remote Chess
    20. Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card
    21. Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader
    22. Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation
    23. Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video)
    24. Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video)
    25. Robot Arm (MP4 video)
    26. Help Quit Smoking Watch
    27. Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo)
    28. TouchSynth (MP4 video)
    29. TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube)
    30. Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video)
    31. Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks
    32. Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform
    33. Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)
    34. Rocket Inertial Navigation System (MP4 video)
    35. Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube)
    36. Scheme Interpreter
    37. Minigolf video game (MP4 video)
    38. Battlezone video game
    39. Laser Simon
    40. Snake Arm Glove
    41. Wiimote Crane
    42. Radio Beacon Finder

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