Its a tedious job to measure the meter reading of all customers, may it be electricity, water or gas. Someone must be employed to go to each client installation and then take the reading on a book. Then all the collected data must be entered into a computer for processing. AMR is the solution to this problem. AMR or automated meter reading is automating the meter reading process by some means. The ususally used methods are by sending the data over by power lines, or by some wireless means as FM or AM. Here we are suggesting a solution in which we use a GSM modem to communicate the meter reading by either GPRS or SMS. The server identifies the meter by reading the sender Id from where the data or the SMS is coming. The server can prepare the bill automatically by looking at the previous meter readings.
As an additional facility the server can send the bill as SMS to each customer. The server may also cut the supply of those customers who are not paying the bill by issuing control commands.
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