
Sunday, November 7, 2010

programming for java

sun Microsystems released the first public implementation as Java 1.0 in 1995. Initially it was called as Oak. Then they renamed it as "JAVA". James Gosling was the person who developed it.

Java is purely Object oriented as it follows all the oops principles such as

  1. Encapsulation: It a process of bundling up of data into one block and that block is called Class. So, according to Encapsulation whatever you write that has to be inside Class.
  2. Inheritance: It is a process of deriving the properties of one class into another class. First class is called Base or Super class and next is called Derived or Sub Class
  3. Polymorphism: It is a process of defining two or more methods with same method name but with different forms. There are two types of Polymorphism and they are
    a. Static Polymorphism(Method Overloading). and
    b. Dynamic Polymorphism(Method Overriding)
What is Java?
It is used to create stand-alone applications, net based programs and programs for consumer devices.

Example: cellular phones, palm pilots

Java is Basically divided into
1. J2SE: Java To Standard Edition. (All Core Concepts).
2. J2EE: Java To Enterprise Edition. (All Advance Concepts).
3. J2ME: Java To Mobile Edition (All Mobile Applications).

Features Of Java:
  1. Simple: Java is simple as it is very much similar to c,c++ but all the confusing concepts like pointers are removed from java.
  2. Object Oriented: As it follows all the oops principles and we can relate every thing in java as an object.
  3. Platform Independent: Java is platform independent as we can write the program on one operating system and can execute on any other operating system.
  4. Secure: Java is more secure as virus cannot spread through java files easily.It has more security for data compared to c and c++.
  5. Distributed: Java can be used to develop applications that are portable across multiple platforms,operating systems, and graphic user interfaces.
  6. MultiThreading: Java uses this concept to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
  7. RMI: Remote Method Invocation allows applications to call objects located at remote sites and communicate with them.
  8. Robust: Java checks the code at the time of compilation and also at the time of interpretation.
  9. Swing: A new set of classes and interfaces used to create an advanced GUI with a "Look and Feel" design.
  10. Memory Management: Java manages its memory efficiently using Garbage Collector.
Types of Applications In Java:
  1. Console Based:In case of these applications the life cycle starts in the main method and ends in the main method. We can print only text form of output.
  2. Applets: These are small programs of java which run on java enabled web browser. If we want to print any grap-hical outputs then we go for applets, which is a part of AWT package. It has certain life cycle methods like init(), start(), paint(), stop() and destroy().
  3. ServerSide: These applications also have certain life cycle methods like init(), service() and destroy().We sho-uld compile the program and run at the server.
    Ex: Servlets, Jsp, Struts e.t.c.

The advance technologies that are in the present market are
  • Struts
  • EJB
  • Xml/Web Services
  • Ajax
  • Springs
Java also provides many design patterns to do the real time projects very efficiently. If you know the advance concepts with the design patterns with some exposer in projects then you can be sure of a job.

At present there is lot of demand for the certified people in the market. Not only in India but also in foreign countries like U.S, Australia, Nigeria, Saudi etc.

The fee structure for one java certification voucher is around Rs.6,500.

There are different certification levels in java such as
  • SCJA. (Sun Certified Java Associate)
  • SCJP. (Sun Certified Java Programmer)
  • SCWCD. (Sun Certified Web Component Developer)
  • SCBCD. (Sun Certified Business Component Developer)
  • SCDJWS. (Sun Certified Developer For Java Web Services).
  • SCMAD. (Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer).

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